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Who are we?
The American Legion Auxiliary first formed in 1919 during the American Legion’s first National Convention. We are the spouses (both male and female), grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion. Some of us are veterans ourselves.
What do we do?
We work continuously to support local veterans, their families and the community. We host monthly dinners and frequent fundraisers to raise money to assist in that effort. In addition, we also sponsor a back-to-school program to collect school supplies for local students and an annual Children’s Christmas event to support local families during the holidays.
Join Us
There are many benefits to becoming a member of the American Legion Auxiliary.
Download an application today.
Our Monthly Meetings
Our general membership meetings take place at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of every month (with the exception of August). Our E-board meets at 6 p.m., just prior to the general membership meeting.
Learn More About Us
Visit our Facebook Page to learn more about our programs, services and activities.
We’d love to hear from you!
Phone: (941) 423-7311
Facebook: Reach out to us through our Facebook Page
Additional Resources
American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Florida